Something in the Woods

I went for a walk alone in the woods today just before dusk.  Alone with my thoughts but the unsettling feeling that something was watching me.  When I turned I always saw these little lights drifting on the air currents.  I assumed were fireflies, but it’s not the right time of year for fireflies. 

I wanted to check them out but the closer I got to them, the more uneasy I felt.  Part of the ground moved as if something was just under the cluttering of leaves but it was enough to make be stop and hurry home.  I’m sure I was just being silly, but I can still see the lights twinkling by the back-gate. Whatever it is, I don’t think it can come into the yard. 

How to Play

[You pick up a piece of scrap paper. These brackets indicate an in-game character action.]



“Everything has a part to play.”