The Giving House

A ‘Giving House’ is a most unique entity as sometimes it covers an entire area. The Giving House is able to control reality within it’s boundaries and often has a proxy disguised as a landlord, or homeowner seeking tenants for the house.

Often as the new tenants move on to the property, they will find items of theirs will go missing and will return when they ‘ask’ for them back. This action is perhaps the most harmless of all interactions, but when the tenants begin to ask for items they want and do not possess is when the real danger begins. The more you ask of a Giving House, the more it will seek in return.

Tenants will begin to have dreams where the house shows them what it desires and if the tenants choose to ignore the Giving House requests – their health will deteriorate until their debt is paid.

If a tenant chooses to continue this dangerous game, the Giving House will transform them into entities that best fits their alignment. It is thought that a Giving House created the first ‘Grimms’.

How to Play

[You pick up a piece of scrap paper. These brackets indicate an in-game character action.]



“Everything has a part to play.”