In the depths of Mother Grimm’s Forest, dwell the Wishweavers, large spiders that ensnare wayward wishes within their shimmering webs. These arachnids, born from the tangle of dreams and desires, possess bodies adorned with iridescent hues that shift like the moods of the night. Their eight legs move with the grace of dancers, weaving intricate patterns in the air as they hunt for stray hopes and forgotten dreams. Beware the allure of their silken traps, for once caught, wishes are devoured, leaving naught but echoes of lost potential. To evade their grasp, tread carefully and keep your heart’s desires guarded lest they become fodder for the spiders’ hungry webs.
How to Play
[You pick up a piece of scrap paper. These brackets indicate an in-game character action.]
“Everything has a part to play.”