It took while to unbox everything, but it all went pretty well considering it was only the three of us. We decided to use today to go exploring!
The property is huge and besides sharing it with the livestock and the wildlife – we have it all to ourselves. And right now it’s spring! Everything is green and the flowers are blooming. We are so lucky to call this home.

There are many animal trails along with a overgrown-dirt road that circles the property. It’s been enjoyable seeing where they go. I feel I could walk for hours and never see the same place twice. There were several places that were notable that we’ve found so far and I can’t wait to go back to explore those places more thoroughly.
One of them we’ve already dubbed the ‘witches hallow’. It’s an old dead but beautiful oak tree, stripped of bark, it’s wood bleached white by the sun. Around it grows a circle of smaller trees blooming with tiny pink flowers. Spanish moss curtains the entire areas as it drapes from nearly every branch.
This place truly is a wonder.