How do you play?

Step 1: Explore the site.
Step 2: Interact with the site.
Step 3: Find hidden stuff.
Step 4: Things do change, keep checking back.

The purpose of this site is for users to explore and interact with its pages.  There are many hidden paths, some may even lead to hidden loot you can win, hidden communities, and answers to the mystery of what happened to Hope.

There will be no clues hidden in the html or css. However just because something seems off screen doesn’t mean it’s not there.

  As you navigate the story that has been placed before you, I hope that you will enjoy the world, the mystery, and thrill that has been created for you.

Hint: This Coin will always take you back home.

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How to Play

[You pick up a piece of scrap paper. These brackets indicate an in-game character action.]



“Everything has a part to play.”