There are Two Ways to Shop the Cursed Wares

Shoppers be aware that the online shop will go into vacation mode while we are vending at an event or location. Also understand that these pieces are art work and not actual cursed wares.

Mother Grimm’s online store beckons from the darkest corners of the internet, its digital facade a labyrinth of encrypted pathways and hidden algorithms. Accessible only to those who possess the knowledge to navigate its virtual realms, this digital emporium offers a vast array of cursed artifacts and enchanted oddities to seekers across the globe.
From the comfort of their own screens, buyers peruse the digital shelves, lured by the promise of forbidden knowledge and arcane power. Yet, behind the convenience of a click lies the same perilous bargain as in Mother Grimm’s physical popup shops. Each transaction made in the digital ether binds the buyer to the same web of fate, their destinies entwined with the whims of the forest’s mistress.
As the virtual storefront whispers its siren song to the curious and the covetous alike, those who dare to delve into its depths must tread carefully, for the consequences of dealing with Mother Grimm know no bounds, whether in the tangible world or the digital realm.
Visit the Etsy Shop

The Booth Stall

Mother Grimm’s popup shops materialize unexpectedly at local markets, their arrival heralded by whispers in the wind and the rustle of leaves. Nestled within the shadowed alcoves of forgotten alleyways or hidden among the vendors of other wares, these ephemeral establishments offer a tantalizing array of cursed items to unsuspecting buyers.
Each item bears the mark of Mother Grimm’s twisted craftsmanship, infused with dark magic and bound to exact a price upon its wielder. From enchanted trinkets that promise fleeting glimpses of the future to talismans that grant otherworldly abilities at a cost, the wares of Mother Grimm’s popup shops tempt the curious and the desperate alike.
Yet, behind the allure of these cursed treasures lies a web of deceit and despair. Those who succumb to the temptation of Mother Grimm’s offerings find themselves ensnared in a web of fate, their lives inexorably intertwined with the whims of the forest’s mistress.

Locations Times & Dates

Scrap Paper

[You unwrinkled the scrap piece of paper you found.  It’s strange…the writing on the paper looks familiar…]

“I have tried everything to open the lock on the last book. There was a note attached to it that said it would only unlock in the shadow of the moon…or whatever that means.” 

How to Play

[You pick up a piece of scrap paper. These brackets indicate an in-game character action.]



“Everything has a part to play.”